Same Day Business Headshot Delivery
Are you out of time? Do you need a great looking Business Headshot fast? Then you’ve absolutely come to the right place.
A combination of online booking, transparent pricing, and Collaborative Retouching make same day delivery possible.
My name is Aric Hoek, I’m a Business Headshot Specialist with over 37 years experience as a professional photographer, and I’m going to take very good care of you.
Without sacrificing quality I’ll have your headshot delivered to you today!
Here’s how….
The Short Answer:
- Click the Book Now Button on the top of any page of this site.
- Select the Same Day Delivery In-Studio Headshot Session.
- Click Check Schedule & Book and locate a free time slot for later today.
- Read my page on attire suggestions, get ready, come to the studio.
- Discuss and complete your Headshot Session.
- I’ll walk you through review and selection.
- Your headshot is retouched under your supervision. We call this Collaborative Retouching.
- Your headshot will be ready for download in less than hour after you leave the studio.

The Detailed Answer:
Book your shoot with my Book Now Button and every digital device around me screams for my attention.
As a one man show, it’s an invaluable system I’ve made. My Book Now Button is an employee which never sleeps, never gets sick, never no shows, and never forgets to ask you all the required questions needed to book your shoot. It ensures my current client has my full attention.
Do you like the quality and consistency of the headshots on my site? The correct attire is crucial in the creation of a good quality business headshot. A business headshot which should serve you for years to come.
When you arrive at the studio we’ll sit and talk for a few moments to discuss your needs and the experience you’re about to have. And while I won’t say it, I’ll also take the time to ascertain your level of anxiety. For some, coming into the studio for a headshot is comparable to going to the dentist. I’ll mirror your body language. I’ll mirror your tone of voice. I’ll quickly put you at ease. I understand many who have come to me for a headshot have been told to do so. I’ll slow… things… down.

Other than clicking the Book Now Button, your shoot will take the least amount of time in your experience with me. The studio will be ready to go before your arrival. During your shoot I’ll expertly guide you in body position and expression. Your shoot will seem deceptively simple.
Immediately after your shoot we’ll review the images using my process of elimination. For many it would take hours or longer to make the correct selection. With my guidance, it will take minutes.
The next step in my process is the key to my promise of Same Day Business Headshot Delivery. I call it Collaborative Retouching
After making your selection you’re invited to stay, watch, and guide the retouching of your Headshot. It’s an experience to watch, and ensures your satisfaction. My goal is to start with a good image, improve that image, and when I’m done the image should still look like the client and no one should know it’s been altered. Once completed, I guarantee you’ll never believe another image you see.

Additionally, with the retouching immediately completed in house under your guidance, and not outsourced, you’ll avoid the need for additional communications with the studio requesting revisions due to an under retouched, or even worse, an over retouched Headshot.

Less than an hour after you leave the studio you’ll receive an email with download instructions.
Booked, photographed, retouched and delivered in under three hours. From beginning to end, you’re part of the creative process. You’ll leave the studio deliriously happy with your artwork completed correctly the fist time.
My name is Aric Hoek, I’m a Business Headshot Specialist in Houston, TX., and I offer my clients Same Day Business Headshots.
I look forward to hearing from you.

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